Help Find the People Who Threw Two Kittens From a Car
Anyone who has a pulse understands that there are plenty of places that you can bring unwanted animals so that they can be taken care of in a loving and proper way. There are shelters and a pet adoption places galore all over the state. That’s why it’s mind-boggling to hear that people would discard animals as though they are trash. I’m not even a cat person but let’s face it.. kittens are adorable.
Anyone who can take two little and abuse them in anyway is sick. But there has to be a special place in hell reserved for someone who can throw two kittens into traffic and allow them to be crushed by speeding cars. This past Saturday evening that’s exactly what happened at the intersection of Route 70 and Massachusetts Avenue at about 8pm. One kitten was killed immediately when it was run over by a car and the other one ran into the woods.
Here’s what we know and what you can do about it:
Keep your eyes open for a car that witnesses say was the one that the kittens were thrown from. It’s been described as.an “older model, faded red (Nissan) Pathfinder, with black roof racks.” Now I know a faded red pathfinder could be like a needle in a haystack in New Jersey, but if you share this information with your friends and on all your social media we have a better chance of finding these sickos.
If you do see a car that matches the description or if you witnessed this despicable act, please provide that information to the police. You can contact Detective Tom Grosse at 732-349-0150, ext. 1263. If we work together, maybe we can find the people who did this and have them brought to justice.