Is It Too Much to Ask to Keep Our Boardwalks Clean?
It is summer and for many a trip to the boardwalk is an annual ritual, but a growing problem this season seems to be litter.
Is it too much to ask to keep our beautiful boardwalks clean and litter free? Is it too hard to use the many trash receptacles that are located along most of the Jersey Shore boardwalks? It's a problem many towns are facing this summer and the question I have to ask is, why?
It's a pretty simple situation, in my opinion. You have trash you "properly" dispose of it....that's all. It takes as much energy to throw garbage in a trash bin as it does to throw it on the ground. We have beautiful boardwalks here at the Jersey Shore, the best in America....but not if they are covered with litter from people who are simply too lazy to throw their trash out.
Not only should you throw trash away, but you should also recycle, it's the right thing to do. Next time you head to the beach, make sure you take care of YOUR belongings. If YOU bring it to the beach and boardwalks either take it home with you or dispose of it properly. Do we want filthy boardwalks on top of dealing with the Conronavirus Pandemic? We need to be cleaner than ever thse folks do the right thing and clean up after yourself.
In a recent Atlantic City Press story they discussed several towns in South Jersey that are having a terrible time with trash. "Due in part to an increase in outdoor dining and takeout orders, images of the trash have made their way to social media, to the displeasure of residents and vacationers alike."