Do you believe?  I’m not talking about Santa.  The conversation is much more extraterrestrial since NBC Nightly News caught what looks like a UFO on camera when filming a story.

Photo credit: Unsplash
Photo credit: Unsplash

It is no secret that the Southwest is a magnet for extraterrestrial activity.  Area 51 tells a story we were never meant to hear.  Cynthia McFadden was doing a report for NBC Nightly News about Arizona’s Navajo Nation and their struggle during the pandemic and while her cameras were focusing on a traditional Navajo dance, what looks like a UFO rips across the sky.

I never believed in UFOs until our own space program found photos of what looks like a structure on Mars.  I mean, does it look like a wind gust built doorway?!?

Photo credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/MSSS
Photo credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/MSSS

Some people are saying that the NBC Nightly News footage it is most likely a plane however, I’ve never seen a plane move that fast, and glide in that manner.  This sighting surprised the reporter and camera crew alike.  Their story was supposed to be about the Navajo Nation and now the big story is about whether or not that was a UFO in the background of their shot. 

See it for yourself and decide.  Look for the “UFO” at around the 2:45 mark on the video. 

If this footage was taken by a less reliable news source I would have my doubts but this is as mainstream as news gets.  What do you think?  Have you ever seen what you thought was a UFO?  Don't forget about this photo either, do you see an alien head?

Photo credit: NASA/UFO Sightings Daily
Photo credit: NASA/UFO Sightings Daily

Aliens are no strangers to New Jersey, we have reported tons of sightings.  If you are new to NJ, we would recommend that our friends from outer space visit these New Jersey attractions.

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