I'm sorry, but I don't appreciate anyone insinuating that I don't bust my butt. My friends will be the first to vouch for my work ethic. If I scrubbed a toilet for a living, I promise you'd be able to eat off of them.

If you're someone that's no stranger to working two, even three jobs at one time, then you know EXACTLY why this new information annoys me so much.

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Apparently, New Jersey is lazy compared to the majority of other states in America.

A survey has determined that the majority of states outwork New Jersey in more ways that one. It observed things like average work week hours, commute time, employment rate, AND the number of people working more than one job in each state in order to establish rankings.

Soooo many people work more than one job here in New Jersey. The Garden State's EXPENSIVE!


NJ Named One Of The Least Hard-Working States In The US

I find these statistics hard to believe because I, along with ALL of my friends are some of the hardest workers you'll ever meet. Not to mention the fact that we'll do it with a smile on our faces.

As long as we're being fairly compensated and can live and thrive, you'd be lucky to have any one of us come work for you.

Magnifying glass over Jobs section of newspaper classifieds

NJ lands on the list as the 43rd most hard-working state in the US. The top spot went to North Dakota. NORTH DAKOTA! How is this even possible??

North Dakota is the hardest-working state, in part because it has the highest employment rate in the country, at over 98%. Plus, workers ages 16 to 64 work an average of 39.7 hours per week – the third-most in the country.

See the results for yourself HERE.

Woman sleeping at desk

The 99 top paying jobs in New Jersey

How much do you make? These are the occupations in New Jersey with the highest median annual compensation. Source: Federal Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2022

LOOK: States sending the most people to New Jersey

Stacker compiled a list of states where the most people are moving to New Jersey using data from the Census Bureau.

Gallery Credit: Stacker