9 Ways You Can Legally Sell Your Body in New Jersey
If you're short on cash (and who isn't these days), have you considered selling yourself for a quick buck?
Yes, there are legal ways you can sell yourself and your body in New Jersey — as opposed to the illegal ways to sell yourself in the Garden State, which I got to watch this past summer right along Pacific Avenue in Atlantic City (read more, if you dare -- go ahead, you know you want to).
Anyway... there are several ways that you can make some money by selling yourself, many in very safe and even clinical settings.
First things first, though...
It's Illegal to Sell Your Organs
Not just in New Jersey, but across the country.
If you have the sudden urge to sell a kidney on eBay or you feel nine toes is enough and you can sell the tenth on Craigslist, sorry, but you can't. You can certainly donate your organs in some situations, but you can't sell them.
Legal Ways to Sell Yourself
Note: before you go picking out what color Lamborghini you're gonna buy by selling yourself, do significant research and consult a doctor or medical professional before you venture down any of these paths.
1. Poop
Yep, you can sell your poop.
Many of us know the TV commercial where the blue box walks around and it says you can ship your poo to a company and they'll test it to see if you have colon cancer — well, this is kinda along those lines.
As it turns out, a small number of people have specific health markers in their stool, which makes their poo quite valuable for research. Some companies will pay several hundred dollars for your, well, you know, assuming it's what they're looking for (and you thought you had a crappy job).
If you get selected, just imagine how you'll feel walking around knowing your "number two" is far superior to everyone else's (listen, a win is a win these days — take what you can get).
2. Sperm / 3. Eggs
The ability to donate sperm or eggs has been around for decades, but you aren't just walking in and out in a matter of minutes with a fistful of cash.
According to studyfinds.com, for men, "Donating semen is not as fun or funny as it is on TV. It’s more difficult than you think to be selected." Some firms only select less than 1% of applicants.
Meanwhile, women can sell their eggs for potentially thousands of dollars. They say, "Donors are given a series of fertility drugs to increase the number of eggs the body releases. The eggs will be collected by a minor surgical procedure."
4. Sell Your Skin
Nothing is stopping you from selling ad space on your body with a tattoo.
If you can get the Geico gecko tattooed on your back and they'll pay you, go for it.
A word of caution, though: choose these products or businesses carefully. Think of all of the businesses that have closed over the years — you don't want to be walking around with a Jamesway logo on your chest for the next four decades.
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5. Plasma
Businesses where you can sell plasma seem to be popping up all over New Jersey.
Plasma donations are used to create any number of treatments for things ranging from immune disorders to burns and more.
6. Hair
Lots of people are familiar with organizations where you can donate your hair, however, some places will buy your hair.
Why? Real human hair is a lot better than hair that is manufactured for wigs and toupees. If you want to sell your hair, keep it as natural as possible (no dyes, etc.).
7. Clinical Trials
Lots of companies that are working on new treatments, procedures, or medicines will run clinical trials before bringing their services or products to market. The risk is you are testing untested things on yourself, but the payoff could be substantial.
8. Bone Marrow
From what I can tell, donating bone marrow is a complicated process and it's not for everyone. Instead of offering commentary on the topic, I'd urge you to do significant research to see if this is right for you.
9. Breast Milk
Women can buy, sell, and donate breast milk to moms and babies.
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