Margate, NJ Terrapin Rescue Volunteer Saves 1-Day Record 27 Turtles
If you have traveled the Margate Causeway this spring or summer, you have probably seen the volunteers from the Margate Terrapin Rescue Project. They patrol the roadway looking for turtles crossing, who otherwise would most likely be run over on the busy thoroughfare.
Living in Margate, I see these volunteers all the time. They do commendable work in potentially dangerous situations.
The causeway is crowded with vehicles at this time of the year and many of the drivers are tourists who don't realize what is happening or why other cars are suddenly slowing down or stopping.
Wednesday, the Margate Terrapin Rescue Project posted on Facebook to congratulate one of their longest-serving volunteers, Mary, for making a record-setting 27 turtle saves in one day!
The social media post points out Mary's dedication and determination to save the turtles.
Meet Mary!
She's just had a record day with 27 saves!
Mary has been one of our most dedicated volunteers and been with us the longest. She has the most incredible experiences while out there patrolling! She even lost her keys during this record saving day but still man
aged to assist all those terrapins safely across the road.
You rock, Mary!
According to the Margate Terrapin Rescue Project website, volunteers have been saving turtles on the causeway since back in the 1990s, but the effort became more organized in 2007. Each year, the group installs terrapin tubing and fencing and conducts road patrols to assist terrapins across the road.
The Margate Terrapin Rescue Project has also posted signs along the causeway alerting drivers about the crossings and works to educate the community about the importance of being alert for terrapins while traveling on the Margate Causeway.
Find out more about helping the Margate Terrapin Rescue Project
Congratulations and well done to Mary for saving an amazing 27 turtles in a single day.
Please slow down and watch for turtles when you are traveling on any roadways connecting the barrier islands in coastal South Jersey.
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