Just how stressed out are you feeling lately? With inflation raising the prices of literally everything in the store, to mortgage rates pushing 7%, and the consistent rise and fall of gas prices, it's hard not to feel a little bit of anxiety. That's even before taking into consideration everybody's own unique personal situation. Bottom line, life right now is ROUGH out there in those NJ streets, okay?

According to a recent survey, however, apparently folks here in Garden State really aren't freaking out about life too much lately. Personally, I find that hard to believe, but hey, I'm just the messenger. Don't get mad at me.

A new survey has compared stress levels between all of the states here in America and has determined that those of us here in New Jersey fall in the top ten least stressed states in the entire United States. In fact, we're the 7th least stressed out state in the country. Weird, right? I know... I thought the same thing.

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When you analyze it even closer though, it makes sense. Based on the parameters and metrics of the study, we really aren't struggling too much here in the Garden State. For one, New Jersey has one of the lowest divorce rates in the country. Believe it or not, only two states have lower divorce rates than we do. Also, we're pretty solid when it comes to job security, too. That's a BIG stressor for a lot of people. Since people don't have to worry about losing their jobs as much as they do in other states, it makes sense why we were deemed one the least stressed out states in the US. Also, our crime rate per capita really isn't anything to worry about compared to other places.

If you're going to take away anything from this survey, know that it could be a lot more stressful somewhere else.

Source: WalletHub.com

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