[POLL] Do NJ Residents Feel Safe Enough To Go On Vacation This Summer?
There hasn't been too much traveling over the last few years, has there? Unless you could drive there, most people didn't take their families on any epic family getaways for the last two years.
While the powers-that-be claim we're not entirely in the clear yet, it certainly seems like we're headed in that direction, if we're not there already. At the very least, we're miles ahead of where we were during the height of the pandemic in late 2020 and, basically, all of 2021. Regardless of your beliefs about the pandemic, you can't deny that we're now living what resembles more of a normal life compared to life in 2020-2021.
Most people are over the moon that the mask mandates are lifted. Also, people seem pretty convinced that the virus is here to stay, so we're going to have to learn to live with it. Bottom line, people are ready to move on with their lives.
With the latest updates to New Jersey's prevention and protection mandates, it seems natural that the next question to be asked is whether or not people actually feel comfortable adjusting to normal life again. After reading multiple comments on social media, it seems that there are some that still don't feel completely safe. Some plan on still wearing masks everywhere and maintaining distance. When will you feel safe enough to start actually living life again?
It's only fair to pose this question to you. Do you feel comfortable enough with the state of everything virus-related at this point to actually plan a vacation for you and your loved ones?
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