Want to drive the Nutmobile? Here is how to apply in NJ
🥜 Recent college grads can apply to become Planters' next "Peanutter"
🥜 Newly-hired Peanutters can drive the NUTMobile for a year and be ambassadors
🥜 Must have a bachelor's degree, a valid driver's license, and be willing to travel
Ready to go nuts?
Planters is looking to hire college graduates to become drivers and ambassadors of the “NUTMobile,” the peanut-shaped vehicle, for one year.
The newly-hired “Peanutters” as they are called, would be responsible for not only driving around with the Planters’ mascot, Mr. Peanut nationwide, but they would also be responsible for securing media in markets across the U.S., creating a positive brand experience, documenting and brainstorming creative content for the NUTMobile vehicle’s social media channels, and bring positive awareness for the parent company, Hormel Foods, according to the job description.
What are some of the “Peanutters” other responsibilities?
The position begins in June 2023 and lasts until June 2024. It will be a five-day 40-hour workweek. One day will be used as a travel day from location to location.
The remainder of the four days would be used for a combination of things such as planning meaningful events for the NUTMobile and Mr. Peanut, interacting with visitors while in costume, performing in character roles, and speaking to large groups of people.
At least one event should occur per day.
Peanutters will also pitch local media to inform communities of the NUTMobile’s arrival while serving as an ambassador and spokesperson for the Planters brand.
They will also plan and manage all Planters NUTMobile social media accounts three to five times a week.
Every 45 days, a maintenance day should be scheduled for the NUTMobile. During that day, be sure to make media calls, connect with contacts and catch up on social content.
Upon completion of this one-year position, Peanutters may be eligible to interview for a full-time opportunity within the Hormel Foods Sales organization.
Who is eligible to apply?
Perspective candidates should be recent college graduates who have a bachelor’s degree, preferably in sales and/or marketing, communications, advertising, public relations, or a related field.
They should have a valid driver’s license, prior internship experience is preferred, strong organization and time management skills, excellent verbal and written communication skills with a keen eye for details, ability to work weekends, weekdays, nights, and holidays if necessary, and more.
To be considered, please submit a resume and a 60-second video describing why you would make the perfect Peanutter.
Upload your video here.
Upload your application here.
All materials must be submitted by Feb. 14, 2023.
Good luck!
Jen Ursillo is a reporter and anchor for New Jersey 101.5. You can reach her at jennifer.ursillo@townsquaremedia.com
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