It's not hard to see why this colorful building grabbed my attention. But since seeing it for the first time, I have questions.

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The owner of this building reached out to us! Keep reading for a story update.

For once, I was lost in South Jersey. I can't for the life of me remember if this building was on Route 77, or Route 635, or Monroeville Rd., or if it's either in Elmer or Pittsgrove. All I know is that its vibrant exterior caught my eye long enough to have my husband turn the car around so I could get some photos.

All I know is that I saw it shortly after leaving a party at the Elmer Grange Hall on Daretown Road.

TSM South Jersey
TSM South Jersey

Admittedly, yes, I should have paid more attention to my surroundings. I don't spend much time in Salem County, so I was a bit out of my element.

I did some digging around Google Maps. Like, a TON of digging, and I could not for the life locate this building. I made myself dizzy trying.

But I figured if anyone could shed some light on where this is exactly and what business it used to be, it would you all of you! So, do you know? Help a girl out, lol.

TSM South Jersey
TSM South Jersey

I'm thinking it must have been something fun, once upon a time, because of the punchy paint colors. Was it an aquarium or pet store? Maybe a motorcycle shop?

When did whatever business was there close and why?

And, my final question is: What would you like to see it become?

Let me know in the comment box below and help me solve the mystery.


Mystery Solved!

The owner of this building, Roger Anderson, emailed me about the building and said, 'My wife and I own the purple and green building I your article. We had great plans of building a children’s play and party center, thus the color selections.' Anderson went on to say he and his wife have spent the past couple years but have met with resistance from the Borough and Township engineers.'

Anderson also provided this update: 'We have moved some of the equipment to a playground near our pizzeria down the street, “Teenie Hut Jrs”, and are working on a new plan for the [purple and green] building.'

As the owner of multiple local businesses and more than a dozen properties in Elmer, Anderson assuredly states, 'We will come up with something good for the local community.'

Thank you, Roger, for taking the time to personally reach out to SoJO 104.9, and we wish you all the best in all your future endeavors.

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Stacker used data from the 2020 County Health Rankings to rank every state's average life expectancy from lowest to highest. The 2020 County Health Rankings values were calculated using mortality counts from the 2016-2018 National Center for Health Statistics. The U.S. Census 2019 American Community Survey and America's Health Rankings Senior Report 2019 data were also used to provide demographics on the senior population of each state and the state's rank on senior health care, respectively.

Read on to learn the average life expectancy in each state.

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