Woman Tries to Rescue Turtle in South Jersey, Ends Up Causing Accident
Okay, it wasn’t the turtle’s fault, but indirectly it caused a car crash in Vineland. According to the Daily Journal, a Colorado woman was driving when she saw a turtle in the road by the Maurice River Bridge.
She pulled her car over to the side of the road to help shepherd the turtle to safety. So far, so good, right? After the turtle was out of harm’s way, police say the motorist, Michela Monninger, got back in her car to go on her merry way. Apparently she didn’t check her surroundings because she pulled out and hit another car that was passing her stopped vehicle, the Daily Journal reports police say.
The driver of the car that got hit, a 26-year-old Pittsgrove woman, was taken to the hospital by EMS. There is no word on her condition. So, the turtle was safe, but the driver, not so much.
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