New Jersey Has the Worst State Highway System
If you've ever driven on a state highway in New Jersey and thought to yourself, 'this is the worst', you have no idea how right you were.
It turns out that according to a recent report published by the Reason Foundation, New Jersey ranks 50th, in other words dead last, in the country when it comes to our state highway system.
And according to the article, it's not about how much New Jersey spends on the state highways. Apparently, we spend more per mile than any other state and despite that, we have "the worst urban traffic congestion and among the worst urban Interstate pavement conditions in the country ".
There is some good news here, though, for the Garden State. In addition to the bad news, the research also highlights the following strong rankings for New Jersey...
Overall fatality rate. We are the 4th best in the nation for lowest overall fatality rate.
Rural Interstate Pavement Condition. In this area we are ranked best in the nation (#1).
Some of the categories the Reason Foundation looked at to determine their rankings included pavement condition, traffic congestion, structurally deficient bridges, traffic fatalities, and spending per mile.
If you were wondering how the Garden State did in the last report, our overall ranking didn't change. We were last then and we are last now.