National NAACP: Most Important Atlantic City Convention Since 1964
This is not hyperbole, this Thursday, July 14, 2022 is the beginning of the most important national convention to be held in Atlantic City, New Jersey since the Democratic National Convention in 1964.
Before his assassination, 1964 was supposed to be President John F. Kennedy’s convention and it wound up being President Lyndon B. Johnson’s.
It was a disaster. Atlantic City failed the test. Some “genius” decided to house the national media in substandard rooms, along with poor hard goods and soft goods available to them.
The national media responded in kind and trashed Atlantic City throughout the world.
That was then. This is now.
Welcome to the 113th National Convention of the NAACP, which will be held in Atlantic City, New Jersey from July 14-20, 2022 at the world-class Atlantic City Convention Center.
Larry Sieg, President of MEET AC, and his dedicated team of sales and service professionals are at the very top of their game.
The national NAACP promises an impactful convention, with a theme that will emphasize "equity and power."
Atlantic City won the right to hold this prestigious national convention by besting many major destination resorts from around the country.
New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy stepped-up big time, delivering more than $2 million additional dollars dedicated solely to winning this major piece of national business.
It worked, as MEET AC was able to deliver a final proposal that included superior components that the competition could not match.
For 7 days, Atlantic City has the opportunity to shine across the entire nation.
The focus will be: “Our collective voice is power. Our community is power. And when we gather? Powerful. The 113th NAACP National Convention is the perfect setting to strengthen civil rights and every form of socioeconomic equality.”
United States President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris are both expected to attend.
58 years later, Atlantic City has been given the ultimate "redo" opportunity.
The World’s Playground will not disappoint this time.