Amazingly Only One New Jersey City Made The List Of Healthiest City’s In The Country
Each year a national list of the healthiest cities in the country is released, and this year there was only one city in the state of New Jersey that made the list!

Now I know that during the holidays, it may be the hardest time to keep health on the top of your mind especially when there are cookies and egg nog that need to be eaten and drank!
But if you're looking into the new year thinking this will be the year you start working out, doing yoga, or just being healthier then you might want to know if you live in New Jersey's healthiest city.
Personally, I like to lift before work each day and try to go for a jog down the boardwalk a few times a week.
I wouldn't really consider myself overly healthy though; I still love eating pizza and boardwalk fries when I can.
That being said, a national survey ranked the 50 healthiest cities in the entire country and one from New Jersey made the cut.
What New Jersey City Was Ranked Among The Healthiest Cities In The County?
Believe it or not, it was only one city in our state that made this national list, and between you and I, I was a little surprised.
Stacker reports that the cities were determined by several factors:
[which] account for smoking, regular alcohol consumption, access to gyms, physicians, and mental health professionals, and obesity rates to rank overall health. ~Stacker
So, what New Jersey city made this outstandingly healthy list?
It's a part of Hudson County and overlooks the New York Skyline.
Congrats to Jersey City, New Jersey for ranking the 45th healthiest city in the country. The city pulled in an overall health grade of an A minus, and a health and fitness grade of an A.
When you look up gyms in Jersey City, there are about eight in a two-block radius, I'd say that's a pretty health-conscious place to live!
The healthiest city in the country, by the way, is Berkley California.
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