President Trump Political Confidante Roger Stone Breaks News
Former United States President Donald Trump political confidante Roger Stone spent today’s 9:00 a.m. hour, ET. with us on-air and broke news on two fronts.
NOTE. You can listen to the entire more than 1 hour interview on our WPG Talk Radio smartphone app (9:05 a.m. to 10:06 a.m., ET., Monday, December 27, 2021).
First, early in our interview, Stone announced that his wife Nydia, who had previously been diagnosed with Stage 4 Cancer, non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma … was now deemed by her Doctors to be “cancer free.”
Stone called it a “miracle.” Stone described that a combination of their faith in God, coupled with traditional medicine, along with certain homeopathic remedies cured his wife.
We also discussed Stone’s faith of accepting Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior.
Towards the end of the interview, Stone revealed for the first time anywhere that at least one member of the United States Congressional “January 6th Commission” was COVID-19 positive as the Committee insisted that Stone appear in person.
Stone was very blunt in his assessment of this … you should listen to today’s interview.
Stone has previously revealed that he has asthma and that COVID-19 could be a death sentence for him.
Stone directly credits The Lord and President Trump with saving his life.
Stone was just hours away from being taken to what he described as a “dank Georgia prison,” when President Trump commuted his prison sentence.
Stone revealed on-air that he has asthma and that COVID-19 could be a death sentence for him.
Stone mentioned that he previously advised The Robert Mueller team and the January 6th Commission about his comorbidity.
Right before Christmas, 2020, President Trump issued Stone a full, free, fair and absolute pardon.
Stine went into detail about the FBI raid of his home during the Mueller, so-called “Trump-Russia Collusion” investigation.
Stone also addressed what’s next for him. He talked about a book which is set to be released later this winter titled: “Stone Did Nothing Wrong,” a mantra that he has parlayed into tee shirts, painted “stones” and other Stone merchandise.
Stone also broadly mentioned news of a major talk show program that he will be able to talk about in detail in the not too distant future.
Because of his prosecution and all of the federal criminal investigations, Stone had to sell his him and recently held an auction and sold much of his 50-plus Year memorabilia collection … including President Richard Nixon and President Ronald Reagan items.
Stone said he has witnessed 4 miracles in his lifetime:
- When his wife went from Stage 4 Cancer to being cured.
- When President Trump commuted his prison sentence hours before he was due to report for incarceration.
- When President Trump fully pardoned Stone right before Christmas, 2020.
- Listen to our Podcast to learn the “4th miracle.”
Stone also talked about his children and grandchildren advising him to not openly speak out. That he had fortunately avoided a very bad Prosecutorial result.
Stone said that he fully understand s why they said it, but, he confirmed tgst he is going to take the exact opposite approach.
Stone plans to remain active, engaged and will be speaking out regularly.
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